Studio Schedule 2023-24
Piano Lessons are currently being offered in person, inside my studio,
which is well ventilated and has a HEPA filter.
Any student with a residual cough or cold symptoms must still wear a mask
or take their lesson on line. Thank you.
Thursday August 22 Fall schedule begins
Sunday Sept. 1 CM registration begins
Monday Sept. 30 CM registration closes
Saturday October 5 CM application fee payment due
Sunday October 13 Master Class (piano) with Mack McCray, SRJC Forsyth Hall, 1-3 p.m.
All students welcome to observe; suggested donation $10/family
Friday October 25 MTAC Student Recitals at SRJC Forsyth Hall; available for any MTAC student
to play or sing in 6-8:30 p.m., Entry fee $10
Sunday Nov. 3 Baroque/Classical Festival, SRJC Newman Auditorium, hourly recitals
from 12:30-4 p.m., Entry fee $15. All students encouraged to participate!
Mon.-Fri. Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Break--no lessons
Sunday Dec. 8 STUDIO RECITAL Presbyterian Church of the Roses, 3 p.m.
All students participate; refreshments afterwards
Mon.-Fri. Dec. 9-13 NO LESSONS
Monday Dec. 16 Lessons Resume for the week!
Monday Dec. 23 Winter Break begins
Monday January 6 Winter term begins, lessons resume
Friday January 31 MTAC Student Recitals at SRJC Forsyth Hall; open to any MTAC student to
play or sing in, Entry fee: $10
Sunday Feb. 23 Romantic/Impressionist/Contemporary Festival, SRJC Newman Aud., hourly
recitals, 12:30-4 p.m., Entry fee $15. All students encouraged to participate!
Saturday March 1 CM evaluations begin. Testing opens.
Tuesday March 11 Last day for CM testing and submitting videos of pieces and songs
Saturday April 5 Master Class (piano) with Richard Cionco and Natsuki Fukusawa,
SRJC Forsyth Hall, time TBA
Saturday April 26 Performance Competition all day Forsyth Hall, SRJC
Sunday April 27 Winners Recital; required of all winners, Newman Auditorium SRJC, time TBA
Sunday May TBA STUDIO RECITAL All students participate; Location and Time TBA